YOVASO is excited to announce the 2024 Jingle Your Way to a Safe Holiday: Buckle Up and Celebrate Responsibly Contest!
The goal of this educational and fun initiative is to keep our teen drivers and passengers safe during the high-risk holiday season. The contest will focus on seat belt use and celebrating and driving safely throughout the holidays. As part of the contest, students will compete individually or in groups by creating a safe driving jingle (short song or tune) in video format that promotes a seat belt and/or safe driving message for the teen audience.
Schools and youth groups that participate may also register for posters, vinyl banners, winter driving tip cards, ugly sweater stickers, and mini ice scrapers to promote the contest and driver/passenger safety throughout the holiday season!
Read this letter for more details.
Contest Opens: November 6, 2024
Jingle Entries Due: December 5, 2024
Public Voting: December 8-11, 2024
Winner Announcement: December 12, 2024
The jingle entries should be submitted in video format to YOVASO at the link below and must incorporate a creative seat belt and/or safe driving message related to the contest theme. The top six jingles in both the high and middle school division, as selected by YOVASO staff, will be shared on the Holiday Contest Page (and social media) for public voting December 8-11, 2024. The overall winning jingle in both divisions will then be shared on social media to remind students to buckle up and drive safely throughout the holiday season. For the contest overview, guidelines, and prize information, click the link below.
• Prizes funded by State Farm will be awarded as follows in the High School Division:
The winning jingle will receive a $500 cash prize
The second place jingle will receive a $200 cash prize
The third place jingle will receive a $100 cash prize
• Prizes funded by State Farm will be awarded as follows in the Middle School Division:
The winning jingle will receive a $200 cash prize
The second place jingle will receive a $100 cash prize
The third place jingle will receive a $50 cash prize
Contact YOVASO's Program Development Coordinator, Casey Taylor, by phone at 540.739.4392 or by email at casey.taylor@vsp.virginia.gov.